We won't give up until everyone is free and treated with human decency. We are dedicated to addressing human rights issues and positively impacting various areas. We strive to protect and promote human rights through our work in rescue missions and prevention, where we collaborate with local authorities, networks, and partnerships to conduct effective operations, raise awareness, and provide support to vulnerable individuals and communities. We also advocate for stronger legal frameworks to address human rights abuses. In promoting freedom of speech, we engage in advocacy, provide legal aid and support, emphasize digital rights and online safety, and promote media literacy and responsible journalism. Additionally, we focus on initiatives to stop crimes against humanity, such as​ Arbitrary Detention, Child labor, child marriage, Forced Disappearance, Sexual and Gender-based Violence, Genocide, Summary Execution, Torture, War Crimes, and crimes committed during crisis.
We document and raise awareness about such crimes, providing comprehensive support to survivors and victims, and working towards restorative justice, victim support, and reconciliation. Through collaboration with governments, civil society organizations, and individuals, we will create meaningful change and ensure a world where all human rights are protected, and where Individuals can live with dignity, freedom, and justice by 2035.
Our Three-Step Solution

1. Prevention and Rescue
a) Collaboration with Local Authorities, Networks, and Partnerships: We will actively collaborate with local law enforcement agencies, social services, and international organizations to establish effective rescue operations and prevention strategies. By working together, we can identify and target trafficking hotspots, war crimes, and crimes committed during crisis through crisis response, conduct investigations, and coordinate efforts to rescue victims and apprehend traffickers, and other crimes against humanity. We believe in building partnerships with local communities, NGOs, and government agencies to establish a network for information sharing, early warning systems, and coordinated responses. By working together, we can conduct rescue missions, raise awareness, and support vulnerable individuals and communities at risk of human rights abuses.
b) Awareness Campaigns and Education: We believe in the power of awareness campaigns to educate vulnerable communities, potential victims, and the general public about the dangers of human trafficking and violence. Through workshops, seminars, and community outreach programs, we will raise awareness about the tactics used by traffickers and offenders and empower individuals to recognize and report suspicious activities.
c) Rehabilitation and Reintegration Support: Our organization is committed to providing comprehensive support for survivors of human trafficking and acts against humanity. This includes shelter, healthcare, counseling, legal aid, and vocational training. By offering holistic rehabilitation services, we aim to help survivors regain their physical and mental well-being and equip them with the necessary skills for successful reintegration into society.
d) Strengthening Legal Frameworks: We advocate for the establishment and enforcement of comprehensive laws that address arbitrary detention, child labor, child marriage, forced disappearance, sexual and gender-based violence, war crimes, and all acts against human rights. We engage with governments, advocate for policy reforms, and support the implementation of legal safeguards that protect individuals from these human rights abuses.

2. Freedom of Speech
a) Advocacy and Lobbying: We will engage in advocacy and lobbying efforts to influence government policies and legislation that protect and promote freedom of speech. By conducting research, producing reports, organizing public campaigns, and partnering with other human rights organizations, we aim to amplify our collective voice and advocate for legal protections.
b) Legal Aid and Support: We understand the importance of legal assistance and support for individuals or groups facing legal challenges related to freedom of speech. Our organization will provide pro bono legal services, access to legal resources, and guidance on navigating the legal system. By supporting those whose rights have been violated, we contribute to the protection and promotion of freedom of speech.
c) Digital Rights and Online Safety: Given the increasing importance of digital platforms for expression, we focus on promoting digital rights and online safety. This involves providing resources and training on digital security, raising awareness about privacy rights, and advocating for policies that protect individuals' online freedom of speech. By empowering individuals to navigate the digital sphere safely and confidently, we support their freedom of expression.
d) Media Literacy and Citizen Journalism: We develop media literacy programs and initiatives that encourage critical thinking and responsible journalism. By promoting media literacy among citizens, including marginalized communities, we help individuals discern credible information from disinformation. This enables them to engage in informed discussions and exercise their freedom of speech more effectively.

3. Initiatives to Stop Crimes Against Humanity
a) Documentation and Advocacy: We focus on documenting and raising awareness about crimes against humanity, including genocide, summary executions, torture, and war crimes. By gathering evidence, sharing testimonies, and collaborating with international organizations and media outlets, we advocate for accountability and justice and exert pressure on governments and international bodies to address these crimes. Our organization will advocate for the prosecution of individuals responsible for crimes against humanity. We will collaborate with legal experts, international organizations, and other human rights groups to support national and international mechanisms, such as truth commissions or international criminal tribunals. Additionally, we will raise awareness about the importance of accountability for these crimes.
b) Support for Survivors and Victims: We provide comprehensive support services to survivors and victims of crimes against humanity, including psychological support, legal aid, healthcare, and rehabilitation. By offering assistance and a safe space for healing, we help survivors rebuild their lives and seek justice.
c) Restorative Justice and Reconciliation: We work towards promoting transitional justice processes in societies affected by crimes against humanity. This involves supporting truth and reconciliation commissions, facilitating dialogue and healing between victims and perpetrators, and promoting measures that aim to prevent the recurrence of such crimes. By supporting these initiatives, we contribute to long-term peace, justice, and reconciliation. We prioritize the support and assistance provided to survivors of crimes against humanity. Our organization will establish safe spaces, provide trauma-informed care, facilitate access to justice, and promote restorative justice practices. Through these efforts, we aim to empower survivors, promote healing, and contribute to the process of reconciliation.

Did you know
Forced Labor: Approximately 25 million people worldwide are victims of forced labor, including forced domestic work, sexual exploitation, and forced economic exploitation, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO).
Child Labor: The ILO reports that around 152 million children globally take part in child labor, with nearly half involved in hazardous work that poses risks to their health, safety, and overall well-being.
Human Trafficking: The UNODC estimates there are about 25 million victims of human trafficking globally, encompassing forced labor, sexual exploitation, and forced marriage.
Gender-Based Violence: WHO shows that about 1 in 3 women worldwide have undergone physical or sexual violence within their lifetime, often perpetrated by intimate partners.
Freedom of Expression: Reporters Without Borders highlights that as of 2021, at least 387 journalists are currently imprisoned worldwide, facing persecution, censorship, and violence for their journalistic work.
Refugee Crisis: The UNHCR shows that there are more than 82 million displaced individuals by force globally, including refugees, internally displaced persons, and asylum seekers.
Death Penalty: Amnesty International states that, as of 2020, 108 countries have gotten rid of the death penalty for all crimes, but 55 countries still use it, with some disproportionately applying it against marginalized groups.
Access to Education: UNESCO estimates that over 260 million children and youth globally are out of school, with girls being disproportionately affected in certain regions.
More than 1 billion children undergo emotional, physical, and/or sexual violence annually.
Climate disasters and humanitarian crises increase the risk of child marriage, making girls more vulnerable.
An estimated 230 million children that are under 5 do not have a birth certificate, depriving them of legal proof of identity, rights, and necessary protection.
Approximately 400 million children live in countries affected by violent conflicts, posing significant threats to their health, safety, and future well-being.
During times of crisis and disruption, such as natural disasters, there can be an increased vulnerability to certain crimes, including looting, theft, fraud, and exploitation.
Arbitrary Detention: The United Nations reported over 123,000 cases of arbitrary detention worldwide between 2018 and 2019.
Child Marriage: UNICEF reports that around 12 million girls before the age of 18 annually are married, with 1 in 5 girls being married before the age of 15.
Crimes Against Humanity: Crimes against humanity, including war crimes and genocide involve widespread or systematic attacks against civilian populations.
Forced Disappearance: The International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) estimates that there are over 100,000 cases of enforced disappearance worldwide, with varying rates in different regions.
Sexual and Gender-based Violence: UNICEF estimates that more than 200 million females worldwide have gone through female genital mutilation (FGM) in countries where this harmful practice is prevalent.
Complete facts over summary Execution, torture, war crimes, and crimes during crisis and natural disasters, and any other cruel acts against humanity is prohibited and will be stopped.